The Wellness Whisper Blog

10 mindful ways to decrease your alcohol consumption.

Are you thinking of reducing your alcohol consumption? If so, please read on.

Reducing alcohol consumption can have numerous benefits for both your physical and mental health, and contribute to a more balanced and healthy lifestyle.

Alcohol is a toxin that can harm the body in many ways, including contributing to liver damage, heart problems, and an increased risk of certain cancers, such as breast and liver cancer. By cutting back on alcohol, you can lower these health risks, improve your liver function, and potentially reduce the chances of developing chronic diseases down the road.

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Alcohol alters your brain chemistry, affecting neurotransmitters responsible for mood regulation, this can lead to you experiencing mood swings, anxiety, and depression. There really is no downside to reducing your alcohol consumption, as it can help to improve your emotional stability, your sleep quality, and your overall energy levels.

So, see if you can reduce your consumption by implementing some of these mindful ways to it:

1. Know your triggers. Pay attention to when you experience the need or desire to have a drink. Often habit, boredom or sugar cravings are really behind the desire. You might discover that the urge to drink quickly disappears as long as you don’t give in to it.

2. Go sober. Try to attend a social event without consuming alcohol, treat it as an opportunity to observe that you can have a good time and feel confident without alcohol. Use this experience to discover what and who you actually care about.

3. Be non-judgmental. This goes both ways, be kind to yourself (even if you slip up), and don’t get on your high horse, and judge others’ alcohol consumption.

4. Don’t make a big deal out of not drinking. Millions of people live their whole lives without consuming alcohol, so it is really no big deal. Think of it in the same way as if you were trying to reduce or give up something ordinary like eating Sellery!

5. Be honest. Share your feelings and thoughts about not drinking with trusted members of your friends and family. It will help you live authentically, find peace with your decision, and allow for a bit of accountability down the road.

6. Surround yourself with people who support your choice. It goes without saying that it will be easier if you have support. If anybody does not accept or understand your desire to reduce your alcohol consumption. Fully accept this and maybe hold off on spending time with them for a while, while you adjust to your new lifestyle. Very often the resistance from others is rooted in their own desire to do what you are doing. If you feel that this might be the case, you could consider being the support they need and reach out and ask if they want to do it together with you.

7. Feel your emotions. Let yourself feel all the feels, but don’t let yourself be overwhelmed by them. Just observe whatever arises. Be aware that you can become moody and emotional for a period of time (as you don’t abide by your sugar cravings) allow space and acceptance for that. Use this as a time to journal about what it feels like and resist the temptation to act on negative emotions.

8. Be grateful for reminders. If you occasionally drink anyway, use the after-effects as a reminder of why you don’t want to drink. No matter how small an amount you consume, your body will experience the effects in the days after. Pay attention to how you feel physically and emotionally and journal honestly about it. Later you can look back and compare what it feels like to live a life free of alcohol. (because you will forget the bad stuff, so it’s good to have some recorded history to look back on).

9. Replace alcohol with something else. Breaking a habit is hard, as once you stop doing it, it will leave a void that craves filling. So, for the greatest chance of success, find something else to fill this gap. A new meditation practice, going for a walk every time the urge comes up, or doing something creative, can be great ways to convert a “bad” habit to a “good” one.

10. Be thankful. You get to actually make a choice like reducing or giving up alcohol, which means that you had access to it in the first place. Express your gratitude every day, to help shift your focus away from yourself and to more important things going on in the world and your community.

I hope that these little mindful ways to live with a limited amount of alcohol in your life, work for you, and can inspire you to reduce your alcohol consumption. And if you are asking (or thinking it). Then NO I’m not abstinent. I do like a glass of wine now and then, and it is something I truly enjoy, but I do try to be mindful about it.

While reducing alcohol consumption has many positive health benefits. If you are a heavy or dependent drinker, it’s crucial that you seek professional medical advice first. Abruptly stopping alcohol consumption can have serious health implications for some individuals. Always consult with a healthcare provider to ensure any changes you make are safe and appropriate for your specific health conditions and needs.

Remember, support is available if you need it, and seeking help is a sign of strength. Your health and well-being are paramount, so please take care of yourself and reach out for professional guidance if needed.

The information found in this blog post is for general informational and educational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for a health professional’s advice. If you are struggling with health issues please seek professional help. The use of any information provided in this blog post is solely at your own risk.


Hi, I’m Mette.
Welcome to The Wellness Whisper Blog. My cozy corner of the internet dedicated to Holistic Healing. I invite you to join me on a journey of healing, transformation and personal growth!


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