The Wellness Whisper Blog

What is Reiki healing?

Reiki is energy healing, related to and in the family with acupuncture, acupressure, sound healing, and traditional Chinese medicine. It can be performed on people, animals, things, and places. It is a holistic treatment method that works on both the physical, mental, and spiritual levels. The treatment is based on the anatomy of the body; muscles, joints, connective tissue, immune system, nervous system, as well as your electromagnetic energy field, energy pathways (medians and nadis), and chakra.

In connection with a Reiki treatment, we use universal energy to bring harmony and balance back into the body, by affecting the frequencies of the cells and activating the body’s own healing intelligence.

Reiki is based on 5 principles of harmonious living, and it is this state of mind that is the foundation of all Reiki treatments.

The 5 principles.

The 5 principles form the basis of how we treat and are guidelines for living a well-balanced and harmonious life. They are comparable to the 8 parts of the Yoga philosophy, and Buddhist philosophy and they form the emotional basis for the treatment with Reiki.

Just for today…

1. I will not worry.
2. I will not be angry.
3. I will do my work honestly.
4. I will give thanks for my many blessings.
5. I will be kind to all living things.

And these are generally good guidelines to live your life by!

The benefits of Reiki.

The benefits of Reiki are many. When I perform a Reiki treatment, I activate your body’s own healing process, healing will be able to take place on both; mental, physical, and emotional levels, and the result therefore depends on which blockages and imbalances your body is currently holding on to. One way to assess the effect of a treatment is to assess and pay attention to positive changes in your mood, energy level, and sleep in the days following a treatment.

Reiki can:

  • Help you relax.
  • Give you clarity.
  • Give you energy.
  • Calm you.
  • Help you solve problems.
  • Speed up your body’s natural healing and recovery.
  • Help to detoxify the body.
  • Dissolve energy blockages.
  • Release emotional baggage.
  • Increase the body’s vibrational frequency.
  • Help change negative conditioning and behavior.
  • Create peace and balance in mind, body and emotions.
  • Provide relief from physical ailments and pain.
  • Prevent future ailments.
  • Adjust and balance chakras.
  • Improve the capacity for love and empathy.
  • Improve your overall health.
  • Improve the quality of your sleep.
  • Create stress reduction.
reiki treatment

Also, check out “A Brief History of Reiki

What happens during a Reiki treatment?

Reiki is a very gentle treatment method. Where you can relax during the entire treatment and there is no or only a gentle touch from me. You lie under a blanket with an eye pillow that allows you to sink completely into deep relaxation.

I place my hands on or just above your body, according to a set procedure that ensures that all important areas of the body are activated and the entire body’s energy flow is opened up. After that fixed procedure, individual areas or symptoms can be treated further for the best result.

Reactions during a Reiki treatment can be:

  • Emotional reactions; crying, joy, anger, sadness, happiness.
  • Sensations of heat or cold.
  • Seeing colors or light.
  • Involuntary movements such as twitching.
  • Spinning in joints.
  • Stomach rumbles.
  • Falling asleep or feeling sleepy.
  • Feeling relaxed.
  • Don’t feel anything definite.

What happens after a treatment?

Although activation of the body occurs during the treatment itself, it is only in the days and weeks after a treatment that you can experience the biggest changes. Some people only need one treatment, others more to create the change and transformation they want.

Right after a treatment, you will most often experience mild detoxification symptoms and positive changes in your mood and energy level.

After treatment:

  • You need to rest. Be kind to yourself.
  • You should drink plenty of water.
  • You might experience changes in energy level.
  • You might experience small detoxification symptoms.
  • You might experience emotions that arise – know that they were already there and now is the time to release them.
  • You might experience changes in your dreams.
  • You should allow space to surrender yourself to the release of the physical and psychological symptoms that appear.
  • You need to trust yourself and your body’s ability to heal itself.

Although Reiki has traditionally been used as a healing system, it is also extremely effective as a way to help you increase awareness, insight, and wisdom and create personal growth. It is a tool for balancing and raising awareness, but it can bring personal transformation on all levels.

I’m a certified Reiki healer, but currently, I only perform Reiki treatments in person. I am however working on creating an online Reiki treatment offer. If you’re interested in Beta testing this offer with me, you are welcome to reach out to me.

The information found in this blog post is for general informational and educational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for a health professional’s advice. If you are struggling with health issues please seek professional help. The use of any information provided in this blog post is solely at your own risk.


Hi, I’m Mette.
Welcome to The Wellness Whisper Blog. My cozy corner of the internet dedicated to Holistic Healing. I invite you to join me on a journey of healing, transformation and personal growth!


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