The Wellness Whisper Blog

How to make Soulful driven decisions in your life.

As you go about your daily life you can often allow yourself to be swept away by the demands and expectations of the external world. Amidst this chaos, the art of making soulful driven decisions becomes not just a skill you need, but a necessity for living a life that’s true to your core beliefs and deepest values.

The transformational power of making decisions based on your intuition rather than the mind’s chatter or your ego’s desires at any current moment can make a huge difference in, not only the quality of your life but also whether you ultimately create the life you want to be living.

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What does making a soulful decision mean?

A soulful decision is one that resonates with your innermost being and is aligned with your core beliefs and desires. It’s not merely a logical deduction but an alignment of your actions with your core values and authentic self. This form of decision-making transcends the cognitive processes, tapping into a deeper knowing – a body-based truth.

Your body possesses an innate wisdom that, when listened to, can guide you toward decisions that are in harmony with your true self. The immediate physical manifestations in response to making a decision can reveal a lot about whether the decision you are making is aligned with your soul’s desire.

If you’re not used to establishing this kind of connection with your body, have lost the ability to feel and listen to your body’s wisdom, or you’re not really sure what your core values are, you can start by cultivating a stronger connection with your authentic self, using tools like yoga, mindfulness, energy healing, and journaling to get in touch with you innate inner wisdom.

A quick and easy way to discern whether a decision is right for you.

A quick and easy way to discern whether a decision is right for you is to observe whether a decision makes you feel expansive or contracted. When you’re answering a question, you can let your body give you the answer.

Try asking yourself – Does the idea of saying yes to this make me feel expansive or contracted?

In a nanosecond after asking this, your body will have a physical manifestation of the reaction to saying the word yes to something.

Expansiveness vs. Contraction.

Expansiveness is physically marked by a sense of opening, energy, and joy, manifesting as a lifted chest, relaxed shoulders, and a general feeling of lightness. On the contrary, contraction in the body can feel like a sinking in the shoulders, head almost shaking no, a heaviness in the belly, or an overwhelming sense of dread – signals from your body urging caution or reconsideration.

The feelings of expanding or contracting can be fleeting at first and might not be easy for you to detect, as making soulful decisions requires a deliberate shift from mind-based reasoning to a more intuitive, body-based approach. It’s all about pausing, asking yourself how a decision resonates with your body, and genuinely listening to the response.

Practice soulful decision-making.

Like any skill, learning to heed your body’s wisdom takes practice. It involves quieting the mind, being present, and creating space to listen deeply. Over time, this practice fosters a profound connection with your inner self, allowing your soul’s whispers to guide your choices.

Practical steps to making soulful decisions.

  1. Pause and reflect – Before making a decision, take a moment to pause and connect with your inner self.
  2. Body check-in – Ask yourself, “Does this make me feel expansive or contracted?” Listen to your body’s response.
  3. Align with your values – Ensure that the decision aligns with your core values.
  4. Consult your intuition – What does your gut feeling tell you? Trust this inner guidance.
  5. Release the Ego – Acknowledge the ego’s perspective but choose to prioritize your soul’s voice.
  6. Take action – Once you’ve identified the soulful choice, take action with confidence, knowing it’s the right path for you.

Soulful decision-making is deeply intertwined with your core values. Each decision is an opportunity to choose to live in alignment with these values, thereby living more authentically. Reflecting on what truly matters to you and letting these principles guide your decisions is key to a soul-led life.

Your ego, with all its fears and desires, can often cloud your judgment. Being able to recognize when the ego is driving your decisions and consciously choosing to listen to your soul’s guidance instead is a crucial step in becoming better at making soulful decisions. This involves embracing vulnerability and trusting the path that feels right at a soul level, even when it diverges from the ego’s safe or predictable routes.

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The benefits of soulful decision making.

Transitioning to a life more guided by soulful decisions is part of a personal journey of transformation. It’s about letting your inner wisdom take the lead, choosing paths that fulfill you deeply, and being willing to embrace the beautiful, sometimes messy, process of living authentically.

By making more decisions that resonate with your inner self, you are carving out a life that’s true to you. This authenticity can bring a sense of fulfillment and contentment that no external achievement can match, and living more authentically allows you to form deeper, more meaningful connections with others, and as you become more aligned with your true self, you attract individuals who resonate with your authentic path, fostering relationships that can be built on genuine understanding and mutual respect.

Soulful decision-making contributes to holistic well-being. When your choices reflect your true self, you experience less internal conflict and stress, leading to better mental and physical health. This can foster immense personal growth. Each soulful decision is a step towards self-discovery, pushing you to confront your fears, challenge your limits, and expand your horizons.

In trying to make better decisions for yourself, patience, practice, and self-compassion are your allies. As you start to listen to your body it might not always be clear or easy, but the destination is worth every step. Each soulful decision you make is a step towards a more fulfilled, aligned, and vibrant life. Trust the process, trust your soul, and watch as your life unfolds in ways more beautiful and profound than you could have ever imagined.

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    The information found in this blog post is for general informational and educational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for a health professional’s advice. If you are struggling with health issues please seek professional help. The use of any information provided in this blog post is solely at your own risk.


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