The Wellness Whisper Blog

A step-by-step guide to the humming breath.

Do you find yourself agitated, stressed out, or simply unable to calm down? Then you might be living in a heightened state of stress. This can have a huge impact on your overall health. Learning how to calm yourself, and having tools and exercises available to you whenever you need them, can make a huge difference in the quality of your life.

I’m trained as a breath coach and use breathing techniques in all my work with my clients since this is the most effective and quick way to access your nervous system and bring about change to your emotional state. Most exercises called “breath work” originate from the yogic principle of Pranayama. This is also where this particular breath technique comes from.

The “Humming Breath” technique, also known as “Bhramari Pranayama”, is a calming breathing practice that involves making a humming sound on your exhale. This breathing practice can be used to reduce stress and calm the mind.

Benefits of the Humming Breath include:

– Reduction in stress and anxiety levels.
– Lowering blood pressure and heart rate, promoting relaxation.
– Improvement in concentration and memory.
– Enhancement of vocal control and strength.
– Stimulation of the vagus nerve, supporting overall nervous system health.

Read the post “A quick and easy technique to reduce stress.” to learn about the effects of humming and how it can reduce stress.

Although making a humming sound on your exhale does sound like it might be something you can do without any guidance (yes, I do have high thoughts about you!). Here’s a little guide to mindfully practicing the humming breath.

A step-by-step guide to the humming breath.

Find a comfortable seat and sit with a straight spine, either on the floor with legs crossed or in a chair with your feet flat on the ground, a bit out on the seat so your back if free from the chair.

Close your eyes, or find a spot on the floor in front of you, where you let your gaze rest softly to enhance focus and relaxation

Relax your body by taking a few moments to breathe and release any tension in your shoulders, neck, and face.

Now set up the practice to intensify the vibration sensation:

A. Place your thumbs gently in your ears to close them. Rest your other fingers lightly on your forehead and eyes.

B. or place your index fingers lightly on the tragus (the small pointed part of the outer ear) to gently close off external sounds. Rest your other fingers lightly on your cheeks.

Start breathing.

Inhale deeply, take a deep, slow breath in through your nose, filling your lungs completely with air.

On your exhale make a smooth, steady humming sound like that of a bee. Make the exhale as long as possible. You should feel the vibration throughout your body, especially in your head and chest.

Take another inhale and repeat the exhale.

Continue this pattern for several minutes, inhaling deeply through the nose and humming on the exhale. Do this as long as it feels comfortable or aim for up to 10 cycles.

End by releasing your hands down, and sit quietly for a few moments. Observe any sensations, feelings, or changes in your state of mind.

Also check out “Box breathing 4×4 Sama Vritti exercise“.

Be aware of the exhale.

Make sure your breathing is relaxed and smooth, extending the exhale to draw out the humming sound. If you start to feel lightheaded or any kind of unease, please stop immediately. If you’re not already familiar with the fundamentals of practicing breathing techniques, extending the exhale, as you do with this exercise, can leave you short of breath. If you experience this, try not to press the longer exhale, but instead keep a soft, smooth steady pace of breathing.

This breathing exercise can be particularly beneficial in moments of stress, done before meditation, or as a relaxation technique before going to sleep. It’s a nice little trick to have up your sleeve, and you can use it any time you need a quick reset and a bit of relaxation. 

The information found in this blog post is for general informational and educational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for a health professional’s advice. If you are struggling with health issues please seek professional help. The use of any information provided in this blog post is solely at your own risk.


Hi, I’m Mette.
Welcome to The Wellness Whisper Blog. My cozy corner of the internet dedicated to Holistic Healing. I invite you to join me on a journey of healing, transformation and personal growth!


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