The Wellness Whisper Blog

10 quick journaling actions to spark creativity.

Journaling, with its unhurried and reflective nature, encourages a mindset of openness, curiosity, and playfulness that is essential for nurturing the seeds of creativity and imagination. With journaling, you have the opportunity to capture fleeting thoughts, emotions, and vivid imagery that might otherwise go unnoticed or slip away. The process of externalizing an internal landscape can foster a deeper connection with your own inner creativity.

Although journaling in general can serve as a catalyst for creativity simply by providing space for uninhibited expression and exploration of ideas. There are also other ways in which you can “journal” creativity to spark your imagination.

Also, check out “20 easy ways to get in touch with yourself by drawing.

Next time you sit down to journal but find that you can’t really put words to the page. Simply engage in one of these activities and see where it takes you.
You might be surprised!

1. Choose a single color that you feel represents your emotional state right now, and fill your page with drawings or doodles of anything and everything that is that color.

2. Doodle what you are feeling right now, make it an artistic expression, so create a visualization of your feelings (it does not have to resemble anything)

3. Squirt a single paint color representing your mood right now on some paper, and with something like a spoon, a key, a pen, or something else, move the paint around the page, creating an abstract painting.

4. Write down 5-10 sentences that you feel describe you right now. Now highlight the descriptive words in the sentences and create a little story about an animal using the descriptive words.

5. If you’re drinking coffee or tea pure a bit out on the paper, move the paper around, and let it create random shapes. Once dried, start doodling on and around the colored parts in any way you feel like.

6. If you have watercolor paint lying around, choose 3-5 colors and draw an abstract loose painting, sprinkle table salt (big and small) on the paper, let it dry, and brush the salt away. Now start doodling or writing on the colored and blank areas.

7. Image you are the best version of yourself, now write down all the words that would describe you. Cut the words out one by one and use them to write a story about who you are or make a collage drawing of the best version of you.

8. Find an old book or your favorite book, and let it drop to the floor to land open on a random page (hence maybe use an old book). Now read the pages and find all the words that resonate with you right now. Write them on the top of your page, now use them to write about your feelings or create a little story with them.

9. Place a bunch of objects on the table, so that the light lets their shadow fall on the table. Now place your paper under the shadows and draw the outlining. Fill the forms with words that A. express your emotional state or B. embody who or what you aspire to become.

10. Find all your crayons and colored pens and start drawing, use a white piece of paper or a coloring page. Either way, emerge yourself in the process and allow for thoughts and feelings to subside.
Once finished, reflect on the image and colors chosen.

There is no limit to the ways you can combine art, words, and colors to express emotions and feelings. So if you feel stuck and not in the mood to write anything, let the creative side of you express what needs to be expressed. 

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The information found in this blog post is for general informational and educational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for a health professional’s advice. If you are struggling with health issues please seek professional help. The use of any information provided in this blog post is solely at your own risk.


Hi, I’m Mette.
Welcome to The Wellness Whisper Blog. My cozy corner of the internet dedicated to Holistic Healing. I invite you to join me on a journey of healing, transformation and personal growth!


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