The Wellness Whisper Blog

9 powerful crystals for emotional health.

Crystals have always been a favorite of mine to work with. There is just something about stones, the heaviness, the feel, and when it comes to crystals the absolute beauty of many of these gems.

I’m the kind of person that will come back from a beach walk, with pockets full of stones, and I’m the same way when it comes to my crystals. There are so many to choose from, and so many supporting energies to tap into.

Crystals have been used for centuries and are known for their many healing and energetic properties. You don’t have to believe in crystals to experience their amazing effects or reap the benefits of working with crystals.

Working with crystals as part of your growth journey is absolutely worth exploring. I use crystals as a Reiki and sound healer, but also when meditating, or simply to surround myself with the supportive energy of a couple of stones on my desk, in my bedroom, and in my studio.

Here I’ve listed 9 of the most effective crystals for emotional healing and to work with the 7 Chakras. You can use these to support you, or you can choose any crystal that “speaks” to you in the moment, remember you always have the possibility to do it your way. If you feel drawn to a crystal, honor that feeling and trust your intuition.

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9 crystals for emotional health and chakra balance.

black tourmaline crystal

Black Tourmaline: Grounding and Stability – Root Chakra.

This is one of my favorites. It doesn’t look like much, but the black smooth cool feel of this crystal talks to me. This is the crystal to pick up if you’re looking for protection from negative energy, grounding, and emotional stability.

I often use Black Tourmaline when doing energy healing work, as it can balance and align the chakras and give a strong sense of grounding. This crystal is associated with the Root Chakra, and with creating a sense of safety and security.

Black Tourmaline is often used to help dispel feelings of anxiety and fear. It works wonders when working with stress or anxiety, as it is able to promote a sense of calm and balance.

carnelian crystal

Carnelian: Creative Courage – Sacral Chakra.

Carnelian supports not only the sacral chakra but also the first and third chakra. It boosts life force energy into all three chakras, promoting creativity, courage, motivation, and sexual energy.

It helps to build confidence, courage, passion, and power in your life. It increases a zest for living and promotes overall well-being.

It is one of my favorite crystals, that I use for all the 3 first chakras, to support and enhance harmony, healing, and agency to live life. Its colors vary over a range of orange yellows and its diverse appearance only adds to its beauty and power.

citrine crystal

Citrine: A Ray of Sunshine – Solar Plexus Chakra.

Citrine to me is like a ray of sunshine trapped in crystal form. There is something quite inviting about its translucent yellow shine.

Citrine is associated with the Solar Plexus chakra, a chakra of action and power. It supports your ability to find courage, strength, and personal power to act on your desires.

Citrine harnesses the energy of the sun, bringing light and sunshine, joy, and a feeling of happiness to all areas of life. If you are experiencing low energy, it can lift your mood, instill confidence for taking action, and give you a feeling of being grounded and stable, so you have a solid foundation to take action.

Rose quartz crystal

Rose Quartz: I Love Myself – Heart Chakra.

Rose Quartz is a versatile and popular crystal, not only for its intense beauty, but also because has the power to support healing of emotional wounds and promote greater self-love.

This crystal is associated with the heart Chakra. Although the heart chakra is mostly associated with crystals in green shades (promoting love and relationships with others). The heart chakra actually has 2 colors of stones associated with it. Green crystals and pink crystals, where Rose Quartz is most commonly used.

Rose Quartz supports self-love, so relationship with yourself. Having and feeling self-love is a prerequisite to having loving relationships with others, so Rose Quartz is associated with supporting loving relationships.

This is also the crystal to pick up if you are struggling with feelings of sadness, grief, stress, anxiety, trouble forgiving, feeling emotionally drained, or working with emotional trauma. The versatility of this crystal is why it is one of the most popular crystals.

aventurine crystal

Aventurine: Abundance of love – Heart Chakra.

Aventurine is a pretty green crystal that is thought to support love and success, especially in association with loving relationships with others, and it is associated with the heart chakra.

It is said to promote abundance, not only in our relationships but as luck and abundance with financial success as well.

I’ve always found that there is a feeling of groundedness to Aventurine, in the lines of the black tourmaline crystal. Creating a solid foundation from which it supports you in overcoming obstacles in life and clearing the way for growth and progress.

It is an excellent crystal to work with if you’re trying to build new habits and overcome both mental or emotional resistance and blocks.

Sodalite crystal

Sodalite: Balance and Peace – Throat Chakra.

Sodalite is associated with both the throat chakra and the third eye chakra, It’s a beautiful blue and white stone that is known for being calming and having soothing properties. It can bring order and calmness to the mind, and encourage rational thought, truth, and intuition.

Sodalite’s ability to support inner peace and balance makes it effective to use in connection with stress and anxiety to promote peace and tranquillity.

I often use this in association with issues with the Throat charka, and find that it works well to bring peace to the mind and to give confidence and clarity in our communication.

moonstone crystal

Moonstone: Inner Growth – Third Eye Chakra.

Moonstone is the stone of inner growth. It is connected with your intuition and insight and the Third eye chakra.

The Third eye chakra is all about intuition and connecting with your inner and higher self. Moonstone soothes emotional instability and stress and promotes calmness and emotional balance.

Moonstone is, as it says in the name, associated with lunar energy and the characteristics of the full moon energy. As it can support psychic abilities, it is an excellent crystal for meditation. 

It is a beautiful stone that is often used in jewelry and seems to reflect light to you with its opal multicolored whiteness.

amethyst crystal

Amethyst: Spiritual Growth – Crown Chakra.

Amethyst is one of the most popular crystals around, and once you get to know it, you quickly understand why.

It is a beautiful purple crystal that has been used for centuries across many cultures and traditions. It is thought to be a highly spiritual crystal able to support you on your journey to connect with your higher self and the universe. 

It is associated both with the third eye chakra and the Crown chakra and is a powerful crystal to use for meditation and personal growth.

It is thought to have a relaxing and soothing effect on the mind and supports both prosperity, luck, creativity, and motivation, as well as working well for creating inner peace and clarity making it an excellent stone to use for stress and emotional healing.

clear quartz crystal

Clear Quartz: Clarity – All chakras.

Clear Quartz is the “go-to” crystal. When you don’t really know or feel like any particular crystal is working or you simply want something quick and easy. Clear Quartz comes to the rescue.

It is the most versatile healing stone among all crystals, and the most powerful healing stone of the mineral kingdom, able to work on any condition and all the chakras. I use the clear quartz crystal in any energy healing I perform, on its own or to amplify other crystals.

It can support and amplify any energy or intention, protects against negativity, attunes to your higher self, and relieves emotional and physical pain.

Not only it is a beautiful clear crystal to have to stand around, but also is a powerful and supportive stone, and can be used to cleanse, open, activate, and align all of the chakras.

Now that you know a little about these powerful crystals, use them in your daily life to enhance and support your mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. As I said, working with crystals is absolutely worth exploring!

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    Please note that crystal healing is not meant to replace conventional medicine, but rather to complement and enhance it. This information is metaphysical in nature and is by no means medical. Crystal healing should only be used with the understanding that it is not an independent therapy, but one that is a part of a holistic healing approach.

    The information found in this blog post is for general informational and educational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for a health professional’s advice. If you are struggling with health issues please seek professional help. The use of any information provided in this blog post is solely at your own risk.


    Hi, I’m Mette.
    Welcome to The Wellness Whisper Blog. My cozy corner of the internet dedicated to Holistic Healing. I invite you to join me on a journey of healing, transformation and personal growth!


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