The Wellness Whisper Blog

The effects of sound healing on the brain, body and spirit.

As I see it, sound healing offers a direct path to health, tranquility, and improved quality of life by working holistically with the whole body; brain, body, and spirit. Through the power of sound and vibration, singing bowls offer a way to balance the brain hemispheres, calm the mind, and create deep relaxation throughout the body.

Using the vehicle of sound you have the opportunity to create a connection to something deeper, your inner self, your unconsciousness as well as the present, your life right here and now.

Don’t just take my word for it, let’s take a closer look at what it is sound can do:

Also, check out “A guide for skeptics – myths about energy healing.

1. The brain – Sound healing speaks the language of the brain – FREQUENCY!

Since cognitive overload is a fact of our modern lives, now more than ever, there is a growing need to be able to manage stress in our lives, by giving the brain “breathing space” a break from everything.

Sound and vibrations from singing bowls affect the brain in the following ways:

• Transforms busy beta brain waves into relaxed theta/alpha waves, the meditative state. Simply listening intently to a singing bowl can turn off your thoughts and create focus, so you can think clearly.

• Balances and synchronizes the right and left hemispheres of the brain.

• Helps create new neural pathways.

• Increases learning ability and can help improve management of learning problems (ADD, ADHD, AUTISM).

• Produces a relaxed state of alertness, peaceful silence, and a sense of well-being.

• Ignites creativity.

• Provides relief from headaches, fatigue, insomnia and so much more.

When you relax your brain, your body follows suit.

2. The body – The body is built for

Since our bodies are primarily made up of water, sound waves travel systemically through the body and sink deep into muscles, tissues, organs, bones, etc. Combined frequencies can create a state of resonance with our body’s cellular structures. Healing with sound vibration is a potent way to restore the body’s normal frequency by raising the vibration of the cells.

How sound and vibrations affect the body:

• Promotes deep relaxation for stress reduction and healing of stress-related disorders.

• Supports deeper and better quality sleep.

• Relieves muscle tension and joint pain.

• Strengthens the immune system, and doubles the production of stem cells and white blood cells.

• Detoxifies down to the cellular level.

• Breaks the pain cycle by giving nerve endings a new message to the brain.

• Turns off the sympathetic nervous system “Fight or Flight” and turns on the parasympathetic nervous system “relaxation response”, which is the state in which the body can heal itself.

A relaxed mind + relaxed body = access to something deeper.

3. The SpiritAccess something deeper

Sound healing can help us connect with our inner intuition and pure awareness.

The sounds touch what is true in each of us. Effortlessly, we are brought into deep harmony with our true nature and can let go of those things that no longer serve our well-being.

How sound healing affects the spirit:

• Connects you to your inner intuition, your inner guide, your voice of wisdom, that which is true… whatever that may be for you.

• Helps keep you present and focused in your life.

• Can be used in connection with the release of repressed emotions and to strengthen intention.

• Produces pure awareness, stillness, presence, and centeredness of the mind.

• Balances the energy centers like chakras and meridians, ignites acupressure points, makes room for deeper breathing, and so much more.

Frequencies + Vibrations = Healing.

The holistic way of using sound healing techniques can have a positive effect on everyone willing to trust the process and willing to listen and focus on the sound and the vibrations. You do not need to believe, or know anything about sound healing for it to work.

Each encounter with the sound frequencies created by the singing bowls promotes deep relaxation and a greater overall sense of well-being and can be the missing piece of being able to fight disease, maintain health, and live well.

The information found in this blog post is for general informational and educational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for a health professional’s advice. If you are struggling with health issues please seek professional help. The use of any information provided in this blog post is solely at your own risk.


Hi, I’m Mette.
Welcome to The Wellness Whisper Blog. My cozy corner of the internet dedicated to Holistic Healing. I invite you to join me on a journey of healing, transformation and personal growth!


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