The Wellness Whisper Blog

Getting in tune with autumn energy for overall well-being.

Get ready to stroll into Autumn!
As you enter the season where the days get shorter and the temperatures begin to drop. You enter a period characterized by transition and transformation. Aligning yourself with the energy of autumn can help you adapt to these inevitable changes more gracefully.

Autumn represents a contracting and inward-focused energy, inviting you to reflect, consolidate, and prepare for the coming winter. Autumn is one of my favorite seasons, and this is not only because my birthday falls in Autumn! I simply love the powerful energies that nature lets loose here. Deep blue skies, dark thundergrey clouds, heavy rain, and powerful winds. Nature is taking a firm grip and shaking everything up. Releasing stagnant energies and creating a silent space for contemplation and conservation of energy for the oncoming winter.

The unique energies that each season brings have a huge influence on your physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental well-being. By trying to connect and live in harmony with these energies, I believe that you can significantly reduce stress levels and connect with a natural relaxing quality that can support your natural rhythms and overall health.

Living in harmony with the seasons, allows you to reap numerous health benefits, and attuning yourself to the season fosters a deeper connection with your environment, promotes holistic well-being, and creates a more sustainable lifestyle.

Looking to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).

I like to include TCM guidelines, as a holistic approach to health. Autumn in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is associated with the Metal element, which governs the lungs and large intestine. This season encourages you to let go of what no longer serves you and to embrace the qualities of clarity, purity, and introspection.

By tuning into autumn’s unique qualities, you can align yourself with seasonal energy and support your health in a holistic way.

Autumn vegetables laid out

Some key aspects of autumn energy according to TCM:

1. Element – Metal. The Metal element represents refinement, clarity, and the process of letting go. It helps you focus on what is essential and eliminate what is unnecessary.

2. Organs – Lungs and Large Intestine. The lungs are responsible for respiration and are associated with taking in the new (inhalation) and letting go of the old (exhalation). The large intestine helps in the elimination of waste. Together, these organs symbolize the process of purification and release.

3. Emotion – Grief. Grief is associated with the lungs. Acknowledging and processing grief can help you achieve emotional balance and clarity.

4. Climate – Dryness. Autumn’s climate is often dry, which can affect the skin and respiratory system. Staying hydrated and using moisturizing products can help counteract dryness.

5. Color – White. White is the color associated with the Metal element, symbolizing purity, clarity, and simplicity.

6. Taste – Pungent. Pungent foods, such as garlic, ginger, and onions, can help support the lungs and promote circulation.

7. Body Fluids – Mucus. Mucus production is linked to the lungs. Keeping your respiratory system healthy is crucial in autumn. (stay clear of autumn colds!)

8. Activities – Reflection and Release. Autumn is a time for introspection, letting go of what no longer serves you, and preparing for the inward focus of winter.

Aldo, check out “How to align with summer energy for optimal health.

How to embrace the Autumn’s energy.

Aligning yourself with the energy of autumn can be as easy as making small adjustments to your daily routines and habits.

Here are 10 ways to harness the benefits of autumn energy:

1. Cultivate breath awareness. Spend a few minutes each day practicing deep diaphragmatic breathing exercises. This can help strengthen your lungs and improve your overall respiratory health. Consider incorporating practices like yoga or tai chi that emphasize breath control and mindfulness.

2. Get ready to let go. Use this time to declutter your physical and mental space. Clean out your closets, organize your home, and let go of any emotional baggage. This can create a sense of clarity and space for new experiences and growth.

3. Eat seasonal foods. Incorporate autumn’s bounty of vegetables into your diet. Focus on root vegetables, squashes, apples, pears, and warming spices like cinnamon and nutmeg. These foods help nourish your body and keep you grounded.

4. Hydrate inside and out. Combat the dryness of autumn by drinking plenty of water and herbal teas. Foods with high water content, such as soups and stews, can also help maintain hydration and support your respiratory system. Protect your skin from the drying effects of the season by using moisturizers and hydrating skincare products.

5. Engage in reflective practices. Autumn is an ideal time for introspection and reflection. Journaling, meditation, and quiet walks in nature can help you connect with your inner self and gain clarity.

6. Strengthen your immune system. Prepare for the colder months by boosting your immune system. Include immune-boosting foods like garlic, ginger, and turmeric in your diet. Consider taking supplements such as vitamin C and zinc.

7. Practice gratitude. As you partake in the harvest of abundance that Autumn brings, be sure to practice gratitude for what Mother Earth provides. Cultivating an attitude of gratitude can help balance the introspective and sometimes melancholic energy of autumn. Take time each day to reflect on what you are thankful for and express appreciation for the positive aspects of your life.

8. Remember to stay warm. As the temperatures drop, keep yourself warm by dressing in layers and using blankets at home. Warming foods and drinks, such as soups, stews, and herbal teas, can also help maintain your body temperature.

9. Connect with nature. Even though it is getting colder, maybe you need to put on that raincoat every now and then. Be sure to spend time outdoors to enjoy the beauty of the changing leaves and crisp air (look to the skies, I promise you they seem so much clearer and brighter right now). Nature walks can be grounding and provide a sense of peace and connection with the earth. If you have kids, create an Autumn ritual where you collect chestnuts and autumn leaves and spend being creative.

10. Honoring the dead. Autumn also brings the season of Halloween, a time to honor the dead and reflect on the cycle of life and death. This period encourages you to acknowledge the past and those who have passed on. Consider taking some time to reflect on what is no longer here. Light candles, visit gravesites, or create an altar with photos and mementos. Engaging in these practices can provide a sense of closure, continuity, and connection with your lineage, helping you to embrace the full spectrum of life’s experiences and transitions.

In Closing.

By embracing the energy of autumn, you can make room for releasing what no longer serves you and create space for reflection and restoration after the activities of summer. This season’s focus on reflection, letting go, and preparation sets the stage for a restorative winter. Attuning yourself to the energy of Autumn can foster a deeper connection with your environment and promote a sustainable and mindful way of living.

The information found in this blog post is for general informational and educational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for a health professional’s advice. If you are struggling with health issues please seek professional help. The use of any information provided in this blog post is solely at your own risk.


Hi, I’m Mette.
Welcome to The Wellness Whisper Blog. My cozy corner of the internet dedicated to Holistic Healing. I invite you to join me on a journey of healing, transformation and personal growth!


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