The Wellness Whisper Blog

Briefly on Energy Medicine, what is it?

If you are curious about what lies behind energy and sound healing, I have just briefly outlined the broad strokes here. There are countless pages on the web where you can read more about energy medicine if you want to delve deeper into it.

Energy medicine involves using how the body creates and responds to electric, magnetic, and electromagnetic fields, including light and sound, as well as other forms of energy such as heat, pressure, chemical and elastic energy, and gravity. It is a systematic and holistic way of working with the body’s energies to promote health, healing, and vitality.

Using energy medicine you can strengthen the body with healing energy, by activating the body’s own natural healing energies and restoring energy that has become weak or out of balance. It is also important to realize that healing does not always involve projecting healing energy into a person; in some cases, it may involve removing “bad” energy from a site of injury or illness.

Known energy types.

You’re already familiar with the use of energy from your everyday life, where you use many forms of energy on a daily basis, like:

  • Solar power
  • Thermal energy (heat or light)
  • Chemical energy (cellulose in wood) – is converted into – pyrotechnics by a fireplace
  • Electrical energy – converted into thermal energy (heat or light)
  • Magnetic energy
  • Electromagnetic energy
  • Radio waves
  • Microwaves
  • X-rays
  • Atomic energy – is converted into electrical energy

How energy is transferred.

According to Newton’s law of conservation of energy; energy can neither be created nor destroyed – only converted from one form of energy to another. This means that a system always has the same amount of energy unless it is supplied from outside.

Potential energy (like in a ball) can be converted into mechanical or kinetic energy (by throwing the ball), and in the same way, can energy be transferred from one body to another, such as the energy from an energy healer’s hands can be converted into healing energy in a client’s physical body.

Energy consists of and moves in waves, and it is through variations in the length and height of these electromagnetic waves that the energy encodes information. In the same way that a mobile phone can locate another mobile, each phone has its own unique vibration/waves.

energy waves

Working with these vibrations is the essence of energy medicine.

All electrical objects emit electromagnetic radiation, and Ampère-Maxwell’s law is one of the fundamental equations of classical electromagnetism. Ampere’s law roughly describes that: when currents flow through conductors (living tissue, wires, etc.) magnetic fields will be produced in the surrounding space.

The difference between electricity and electromagnetic is this; Electromagnetic waves can travel through space and need no material to conduct it (think of sound waves). Electricity, on the other hand, requires a conductor (think of the electricity in a wire).

The human body emits electromagnetic radiation based on the body’s own energy flow. A human body emits energy in what is called the INFRARED region of the spectrum, and it forms a field around the body, which is known among some people as the aura or the biofield.

The energy that we work with within energy medicine includes both electrical currents – the body’s energy flow; the signals sent from cell to cell, and the electromagnetic fields (the biofield); the electromagnetic fields that organize biological processes. But there is also another layer of energy at work, one that science cannot yet measure, and that is the most important; the more subtle energies – our lifeforce energy.

hands emitting light

Also, check out “Debunking 10 myths about energy healing

Energy medicine has been known for a long time.

Energy medicine has been known and used for ages, and there are many different systems that make use of energy medicine.

Some of the oldest are:

Qi Gong
Traditional Chinese Medicine – Balancing Five Elements

Some influence the body’s energies through the use of specialized techniques:

Breath work
EFT (Tapping)

Some influence of the body’s energies through the use of specific frequencies:

Sound healing
Color healing
Crystal healing
Chakra healing

Some are substances with specific energetic properties:

Essential oils
Flower essences
Herbal therapy

To name some of all the modalities that use energy medicine.

Why energy medicine?

You were born to be healthy. To feel alive and happy and to go through your everyday life without fatigue, anxiety, depression, or pain. But for so many of us, well-functioning vibrant health seems out of reach. But it is not.

For millennia, cultures around the world have worked directly with the body’s energies to restore health and vitality. However many of these energy healing methods fell out of favor when “modern medicine” took over, where the focus was on chemical treatment via medicine. Fortunately, they were not forgotten and many are now gaining in popularity because more and more scientific studies can now support what the ancient healers have always known: energy healing works!

The information found in this blog post is for general informational and educational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for a health professional’s advice. If you are struggling with health issues please seek professional help. The use of any information provided in this blog post is solely at your own risk.


Hi, I’m Mette.
Welcome to The Wellness Whisper Blog. My cozy corner of the internet dedicated to Holistic Healing. I invite you to join me on a journey of healing, transformation and personal growth!


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