The Wellness Whisper Blog

Debunking 10 myths about crystal healing.

While crystals have been used for centuries in various cultures for their healing and energetic properties, there are several myths and misconceptions that might deter you from exploring, using, and working with crystals. Most come from a lack of knowledge or understanding of what crystals are and how to use them as a self-care and healing tool.

I want to help you examine these myths, to get a clearer perspective on what crystal healing entails and what it has to offer.

But let’s start at the beginning and briefly explore what crystals are and how they work.

What are crystals and where do they come from?

The formation of crystals is a slow and natural process that occurs over thousands or even millions of years, as minerals cool and solidify, often under high pressure. This process, known as crystallization, results in the distinct geometric shapes and patterns seen in crystals, which are also thought to contribute to their energetic qualities.

Crystallization occurs when atoms or molecules solidify into a structured pattern known as a crystal lattice. This process can happen in several ways, depending on the conditions and the materials involved. The most common methods of crystal formation include:

1. Cooling of molten rock – When magma or lava cools, it begins to solidify. As it cools, atoms or molecules start to arrange themselves into a crystalline structure.

2. Evaporation of water – Many crystals form through the evaporation of water containing dissolved minerals. As water evaporates, the concentration of minerals increases until they can no longer remain dissolved, leading them to form solid crystals.

3. Change in temperatures and pressure – Crystals can also form from solutions containing minerals undergoing variations in temperature and/or pressure. If mineral-rich water cools, it can no longer hold as many dissolved minerals, which causes some to form a solid form out of the solution.

4. Biomineralization – Crystals can also be created from living organisms. Seashells are formed by mollusks that secrete minerals which then can crystallize to form crystals.

The external conditions, such as temperature, pressure, and the concentration of the solution, play crucial roles in determining the speed of growth, size, and quality of the crystals formed.

Every mineral has a unique crystal structure, which can be identified and categorized based on its physical properties and internal arrangement of atoms. Crystals can grow as atoms or molecules add onto the existing crystal structure in a repeating pattern.

lava flowing down a mountain

Also, check out “Briefly on energy medicine, what is it?

The energetic nature of crystals.

Everything in the universe, from the smallest particle to the vast expanse of the cosmos, is composed of energy. This foundational concept is not only a tenet of physics but also a principle that underlies spiritual and holistic beliefs. At the most basic level, atoms and subatomic particles vibrate, and this vibration is a manifestation of energy.

This concept that everything has a specific energetic frequency or vibration extends to living beings, objects, and even thoughts and emotions. In living organisms, the vibrations are thought to be more complex due to the dynamic nature of life processes.

Your body is an energetic system with its own frequency, everything from your brain waves to your heart rhythm exhibits vibrational patterns. Similarly, are emotions and thoughts considered to have their own energetic frequencies, and they can influence your mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual state.

From an energetic perspective, crystals work based on the principle of vibration and resonance. Each type of crystal has its own unique frequency or vibration due to its molecular composition, shape, and size. A crystal’s vibration can affect your energy field, and interacting with crystals can positively influence your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being by bringing the energy field into balance.

When you interact with a crystal, the harmonization of vibrations can potentially lead to improved well-being and balance. By consciously engaging with crystal energy, through meditation, crystal healing, wearing them as jewelry, placing them in your surroundings or other practices, you can influence your own vibrational state, promote physical, emotional, and spiritual health, and harness the unique vibrational properties of the crystal to promote healing, protection, and positive energy flow.

crystal grid

Crystals myths.

Myth 1 – Crystals are a magical cure-all.

One common myth is that crystals can miraculously cure or solve all of your problems instantly. This misconception might lead to disappointment when working with crystals for the first time. In reality, crystals should be used as complementary tools for enhancing well-being and balance, rather than as replacements for medical treatment.

Crystals can offer support for holistic well-being and be a valuable tool for helping to manage and work with a wide range of health issues. They are a way to enhance supportive energy and recalibrate frequencies of discomfort and disease into balance and harmony in the mind, body, and spirit.

Myth 2 – The more expensive the crystal, the more powerful it is.

Another myth is that the effectiveness of a crystal is directly proportional to its cost or rarity. This could not be more wrong. The molecular composition determines the frequency and vibrations of a crystal, even though some crystals are rare, and therefore more expensive. This does not mean that they are more effective. The power and effectiveness of a crystal are about its relevance for your specific situation and your connection to it, rather than its market value.

Myth 3 – Only “special” people can work with crystals.

There is a prevailing belief that you have to have special abilities to work with crystals, like having particular sensitivity or having psychic abilities. But the truth is that anyone can benefit from using and interacting with crystals. It’s so much more about personal beliefs, openness, and how you choose to engage and connect with the energy of a crystal that determines the outcome.

Crystals operate on energetic principles that can be accessed and utilized by anyone willing to learn and explore, regardless of your spiritual awareness you too can harness the power of crystals.

Myth 4 – Crystals work the same way for everyone.

Expecting a crystal to work in a certain way and give a specific result can lead to skepticism when these results vary. Just as personal energies are unique, so is the interaction between you and a crystal. Different people may experience different effects from the same crystal based on their personal vibrations and intentions.

The effectiveness of crystals varies depending on factors such as personal energy, intentions, and receptivity. What works for one person may not have the same effect on another. It’s crucial to explore and experiment with different crystals to find what resonates best with your energy.

Myth 5 – Since there is no scientific proof, it doesn’t work.

Some might be dissuaded from using crystals due to the lack of scientific evidence supporting their efficacy in healing. While it’s true that the scientific research done on crystal healing is not supported in the same way as conventional medicine, personal anecdotes of positive experiences are plentiful.

Newton’s law of conservation of energy; energy can neither be created nor destroyed – only converted from one form of energy to another. Supports the notion of crystals’ ability to impact another object (you). One way to assess the effect of working with crystals is to assess and pay attention to positive changes in your mood, energy level, and sleep in the days after the interaction. Approaching crystal healing with an open mind and viewing it as a complementary practice that can coexist with traditional health care is the best way to work with crystals.

crystal grid

Myth 6 – Crystals need to be cleansed constantly.

While it’s true that crystals can absorb and retain energy, the idea that they require constant cleansing is a misconception. As a Holistic health practitioner, I use crystals in my treatments and therefore I cleanse the crystals used after every session, so as not to transfer energy from one client to another (or myself for that matter)

Cleaning crystals is beneficial to reset the crystal’s energy, but if you are using them for personal meditation or self-reflection you do not need to constantly cleanse them. Trust your intuition and cleanse your crystals as needed, rather than adhering to rigid cleansing rituals.

Myth 7 – Crystals are expensive.

It’s true that some crystals are expensive, supply and demand are at play there as it is everywhere. While some rare or large crystals can be expensive, the rise in the popularity of crystals has ensured that there is a wide range of affordable options available. Many online and local retailers offer reasonably priced crystals, making them accessible to people with varying budgets.

Also, keep in mind that you do not need a vast collection of crystals to experience their benefits; a single well-chosen crystal can be incredibly potent.

Myth 8 – You need to know what crystals to use for the different issues.

It is true that as a practitioner working with crystals, I work with many different crystals for different issues and purposes. However, you can choose to get a single crystal that speaks to you and simply work with this one or a few crystals.

The effect of using crystals relies just as much on why you choose the crystal and how you approach working with the crystal as it does on what type of crystal it is. Naturally, some people are drawn to some crystals and others to others, and this happens for a reason. The most effective and valuable crystal for you at any given moment will be the one you are drawn to; this will be the crystal that you need to work with regardless of your perceived issue.

Myth 9 – You need lots of crystals to work with crystals.

The short answer is no, you don’t. You only need one crystal to get started as you can also see in my answer to Myth 8. Yes, it is lovely to have a range of crystals, and you might find that once you start working with your crystal you might be inclined to get more.

As I just mentioned you will naturally be drawn to the crystal that is right for you, and you can choose to develop a relationship with this one crystal and work with just this one crystal. In time if you feel you need something else, I’m sure you will begin to feel drawn to the next crystal that can support you on your journey.

Myth 10 – You need to buy large crystals.

Crystals are vibrational energy structures, and the structure doesn’t change depending on size. So, the size of the crystal doesn’t matter if you look at the vibrational frequency of the crystal.

Working with crystals both smaller and larger crystals have their place. The smaller ones are perfect for having on your person throughout the day, carrying the supportive energy with you at all times. Palm crystal stones or stones of this size are really nice to use in meditation and Energy healing sessions, and larger stones are perfect for use in different rooms of your house.

I find that a mix of smaller and medium-sized crystals works really well for me. I have a few bigger crystals, but prefer crystals that I can actually work with, and bring with me if needed. So, you have to decide what the crystal you’re getting is to be used for, if you have the space for larger crystals, or want the more manageable size crystals to work with.

purple crystals

Also, check out “9 powerful crystals for emotional health.

Working with crystals.

I hope that by busting these 10 myths I’ve helped change the way you look at crystals, to be more than just a biological material and instead a living vibrational being, and that you now feel a little more comfortable exploring crystal healing as a personal and spiritual practice.

It’s essential that you approach crystals with an open heart, a curious mind, and a willingness to explore the possibilities crystals have to offer. Understanding that their value lies not just in their physical beauty but in the potential for personal growth and energetic harmony they might offer.

Working with crystals is a journey of getting to know the crystal as well as yourself better. You don’t necessarily need to know which crystals work well for what, but you do need to be open and willing to take the time to experiment with them.

Crystals can’t cure everything, but they can be a powerful tool to use in your process of achieving balance, and healing and help create actual physical and emotional relief. So, start experimenting with crystals, and find out what works for you, use the general crystal guides that exist, but remember to always trust your intuition and rely on your own experiences.

The information found in this blog post is for general informational and educational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for a health professional’s advice. If you are struggling with health issues please seek professional help. The use of any information provided in this blog post is solely at your own risk.


Hi, I’m Mette.
Welcome to The Wellness Whisper Blog. My cozy corner of the internet dedicated to Holistic Healing. I invite you to join me on a journey of healing, transformation and personal growth!


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