The Wellness Whisper Blog

Feeling tired even though it is summer? Boost your energy the natural way!

Even though it is the height of summer, you may find yourself feeling tired all the time. Summer is supposed to be all about high energy and high activity. But if you find yourself upping your coffee consumption, it might be because you’re experiencing summer fatigue.

If you, like me, are having trouble letting go of all the stress and anxiety from work, the constant negative news, the bad weather, being overly hot or overly wet, and you’re trying to cram in all the plans you have made for this summer in order for it to live up to your many expectations, know that you’re not alone, and no wonder you feel tired!

It is, however, normal for us to sometimes experience feeling extremely tired even during the height of summer. Some of the factors contributing to this can be:

Changes to Heat and Humidity.
Dehydration – you tend to sweat more in summer, so up your water intake.
Changes in Sleep Patterns – longer daylight hours can disrupt your sleep patterns. Make sure you maintain good sleep hygiene.
Physical Activity – if you’re keeping up your regular exercise schedule, you might exhaust your body more quickly right now.
Allergies – this is high allergy season. Make sure you treat any allergies.
Nutritional Factors – changes in your diet due to the heat can impact your energy levels. Increased Alcohol – celebrating summer? Be aware that it can lead to dehydration and tiredness.

So, the first step is to always make sure that you make adjustments to correct or alleviate any fatigue and tiredness stemming from any of these factors, or other lifestyle factors you know to be the cause.

woman meditating in bed

Do This Instead of Overloading on Coffee!

But instead of overloading on coffee, cool summer treats, and sweets in an attempt to keep yourself awake and on top of your daily to-do list, I want you to use the most powerful tool you have – your breath.

An energizing breathwork practice is far healthier than using caffeine or sugar to liven yourself up – so put down that coffee cup, and let’s dive into the incredible power of the breath.

This is a small, but efficient technique to give you a kick of energy whenever you’re feeling sluggish.

The “Sniff the Poo” Technique.

Don’t worry it isn’t gonna involve any bad smells! I just call it the “sniff the poo” because of the sound you make on the exhale. Like you are sniffing a bad smell (the poo) and letting out the word “Poooh” on your exhale.

You can use this easy practice whenever you feel sluggish and tired, to lift your energy levels. Repeat it for about 2 minutes.

1. Find a quiet place and make sure you’re sitting comfortably.

2. Start by breathing normally allowing your chest to rise and fall as you breathe in an easy, natural rhythm.

3. When you’re ready, take 3 quick sniffs (inhales) in through the nose, and then purse your lips and exhale through the mouth, whilst making a sound similar to ‘pooooh’.

4. Continue doing this for 10 – 20 breath sequences – 3 quick sniffs in, exhale making a “poooh” sound with pursed lips.

5. End by taking one deep breath in through the nose, and release it out with a big sigh.

6. For higher effect you can repeat this breathing sequence, steps 3-5, three times.

7. When you’re ready, bring your awareness back to your surroundings.

Check-in with yourself after this practice. Noticing how you feel. You might not feel a rush of adrenaline, but maybe you’ll notice a feeling of becoming more clear-headed and feeling less heavy. You can try to do this practice, whenever the caffeine craving hits you, or at least switch out every second cup of java.

Remember, you can use this breathwork technique whenever you need that instant energy and focus boost – at the start of your day, at your work desk, or just whenever you feel you need big energy.

When it comes to breathwork of any kind, refrain from doing it in your car. If you experience any discomfort, lightheadedness, or adverse effects discontinue the exercise immediately and breathe normally.

The information found in this blog post is for general informational and educational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for a health professional’s advice. If you are struggling with health issues please seek professional help. The use of any information provided in this blog post is solely at your own risk.


Hi, I’m Mette.
Welcome to The Wellness Whisper Blog. My cozy corner of the internet dedicated to Holistic Healing. I invite you to join me on a journey of healing, transformation and personal growth!


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