The Wellness Whisper Blog

How to align with summer energy for optimal health.

So, it’s June and official summer. If you want to live your life more aligned with the seasonal energies, summer is a good time to experience this. Summer is dominated by heat, light, and action. The energy of this season is expansive, and it encourages you to be open, social, and expressive.

Aligning yourself with the energy of summer doesn’t have to be complicated, and it can be as easy as making small changes to your routines and implementing a few “summer” habits to elevate your energy level to match that of summer.

Each season brings unique qualities and energies that influence your physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental well-being. I believe that not living aligned with seasonal energies imposes significant stress on your body, disrupting your natural rhythms and undermining your health.

Ignoring the natural cycles means that you might deepen or create imbalances that can manifest as fatigue, stress, and illness. However, by paying more attention to and living in harmony with the seasons, you can reap numerous health benefits, and attuning yourself to the season fosters a deeper connection with your environment, promotes holistic well-being, and creates a more sustainable lifestyle.

Looking to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).

I look to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) which at its foundation believes that we are linked to the environment. Training with Yoga Medicine many years ago I studied TCM in relation to yoga and holistic health, and it provides an easy way to look at and implement the energies of the seasons into your life.  

In TCM every season is associated with a particular energy, elements, and organs. Summer, according to TCM, means that your body is governed by the element of fire. Embracing the element of fire in seasonal foods, your activities, and aligning your daily routines with this energy can help you stay grounded, vibrant, and resilient.

Some key aspects of summer energy according to TCM:

1. Element – Fire. Associated with heat, growth, and activity. It represents yang energy, which is expansive, outward-moving, and active.

2. Organs – Heart and Small Intestine. The Heart is considered the most important organ in TCM, governing blood and vessels, and housing the mind (Shen). It is responsible for joy and emotional balance. The Small Intestine is responsible for the digestive process and aiding in nutrient absorption.

3. Emotion – Joy. Joy is an emotion associated with the Heart and the feeling of summer.

4. Climate – Heat. Heat is considered the most intense climatic condition in TCM. Balancing and protecting yourself in the heat is essential to maintain optimal health.

5. Color – Red. Red is the color associated with Fire, symbolizing vitality and the peak of life force.

6. Taste – Bitter. Bitter foods are believed to help cool the body, calm the spirit, and support the Heart and Small Intestine.

7. Body Fluids – Sweat. Summer encourages perspiration, which is linked to the Heart. Sweating helps regulate body temperature and expel toxins.

8. Activities – Movement and Expression. Summer is a time for increased activity, social interactions, and outdoor activities. It’s a season to express yourself fully and embrace the yang energy.

green grass and white summer flowers

Take advantage of the summer energy.

Little changes and adjustments to your daily life in this season can go a long way to harnessing the benefits of summer energy.

Here are 10 easy ways to take advantage of the Summer energy.

1. Get your sun in. Be sure to get outdoors early in the morning. 5 minutes of bright and early morning light in the morning helps reset your circadian rhythm and boost serotonin and dopamine levels. It alters your hormone levels and neurotransmitters dramatically for the rest of your day.  It’s a quick, free, and mood-changing way to start your day.

2. Let it all out.  Walking barefoot is one of my favorite things. In fact, I start this (inside the house) as soon as the temperature allows it. Walking barefoot on the earth is a well-known grounding technique also called earthing. It connects you to the energy of the earth, which then helps balance your body’s own energy by calibrating it to the energy of the earth.

3. Adjust to the longer days. In summer, the days are longer as the sun rises earlier and sets later. If possible, you can try to get up earlier and take advantage of the long summer evenings.   Also be sure to take advantage of the early summer mornings, when the heat of the sun is less intense, for any strenuous or cardio-related activities like running or cycling.

During summer it can be hard to sleep at night, so you need to be extra mindful of how you sleep. Summer with hot weather and bright evenings are the exact opposite conditions you need for sleep. To sleep well, the body needs to cool down and avoid light. So, maintain good sleep hygiene, and pay attention to changes in your sleep pattern that might affect your mood emotional balance, and energy levels of the next day.

4. Keep it light. Eating in summer should favor light seasonal meals, preferably consisting of vegetables, and be low on carbs. Eat cooling foods like sweet and juicy fruits and bitter greens to counterbalance the heat. Drink cool drinks, but not iced or too cold. Drinking iced drinks requires the body to use energy to heat it up to body temperature, this then creates additional internal heat on top of the summer heat. Herbal teas such as chrysanthemum and mint tea can also help keep you cool.

6. Stay hydrated. Be sure to drink plenty of water. You can add a pinch of salt to add a bit of minerals to your water, to help replace the minerals evaporating through your sweat and perspiration.

8. Just move. To burn off some of that fire energy, be sure to move more in summer. Your dopamine levels are higher now and this makes it more enjoyable to move and use your body.

So, engaging in moderate physical activities outdoors throughout the day to soak up the sun. Walking, swimming, gardening, yoga, or tai chi are excellent for this. If you are doing strenuous exercise, be sure to do these early in the morning or late evening, when the temperature is lower, and be attentive to hydration.

9. Be lazy. Yes, I just said you have to move during summer. However, accepting the laziness that comes with the heat should also be embraced to balance out the increased yang energy and to avoid overheating and exhaustion. So, incorporate breaks and rest during the day. Now is the perfect time to take a siesta at midday, even if it is just for 15-30 minutes. Nap, read a book, meditate, enjoy a slow mindful meal, or do some yoga. Practicing mindfulness and meditation is an excellent way to balance out the high energy of summer.

10. Get Social (in real life!) Be sure to use the summer to spend time with friends and family. Attend social gatherings and participate in community events. The Fire element is associated with joy and connection, so nurturing relationships is beneficial this time of year. Any travel and exploration of new places and people is also perfect for harnessing the expansive energy of summer.

In closing.

By embracing the fire energy of summer, you can load up on vital vitamins like vitamin D and build strength and stamina enhancing your vitality and joy not just for the summer, but as a strong foundation of overall health, vitality, and well-being that will sustain you through the rest of the year.

The information found in this blog post is for general informational and educational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for a health professional’s advice. If you are struggling with health issues please seek professional help. The use of any information provided in this blog post is solely at your own risk.


Hi, I’m Mette.
Welcome to The Wellness Whisper Blog. My cozy corner of the internet dedicated to Holistic Healing. I invite you to join me on a journey of healing, transformation and personal growth!


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