The Wellness Whisper Blog

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Make a Crystal Cleanse and Recharging Spray.

When you bought your first beauty crystal, that was just sitting there on the store shelf begging you to take it home with you. You probably didn’t consider that cleansing and recharging crystals is an important part of working with crystals.

Whether you’re working with crystals in a professional capacity like me, or you’re just playing around with crystals for fun, you will still need to both cleanse and recharge your crystals to ensure that they keep working properly and maintain their efficiency over time.

Recharging crystals is important for several reasons, and all relate to the importance of maintaining the optimal functionality and energy levels of the crystal.

Why You Should Recharge Your Crystals.

When using Crystals they absorb and hold onto energy, both positive and negative. Over time, this can deplete their natural energy or cause them to become saturated with negative vibrations.  When you recharge them, it restores their natural energetic state, ensuring they work effectively.

A recharged crystal is more effective at performing its intended functions, whether that’s healing, protection, manifestation, or any other purpose, and keeping them energetically vibrant ensures that you have crystals that work at the maximum benefit.

Regular recharging of your crystals helps maintain the clarity and purity of the crystal’s energy and is an important part of ensuring proper care for your crystals. It extends the life and efficacy of your crystals so that the crystal can continue to provide consistent support.

Now most ways to cleanse a crystal will also recharge it, and you can see more on how to cleanse crystals here How to cleanse your crystals”. But you might want to create a personal recharging essence spray, using crystals that are significant to you or which cultivate specific energies to enhance the recharging process.

Creating Your Own Crystal Recharging Essence Spray.

Creating a recharging essence spray for crystals is a simple and effective way to both cleanse and energize them. Using a spray to recharge crystals is especially useful if you have a grid laid out, and you want to cleanse the crystals without having to remove them.

You can focus on creating a purely cleansing spray, a recharging spray, or a mix of both.

Here are some crystals that work well for cleansing;
Black Tourmaline, Blue or Black Kyanite, Hematite, Shungite, and Quartz/Smoky Quartz.

Here are some crystals that work really well for recharging; Carnelian, Red Jasper, Golden Healer Quartz, Clear Quartz, Citrine, Orange Kyanite, and Selenite (if using Selenite make sure to use tumbled crystals).

Start off by picking the crystals you want to use for the spray. You can use only cleansing crystals or recharging crystals, or you can pick two or more from each type to combine.

woman holding out crystals in her hands

My step-by-step guide on creating a recharging essence spray.

Ingredients and Materials:

1. Distilled or Spring Water.
2. Crystal Chips or Small Crystals.
3. Vodka or white rum.
4. Glass bowl – big enough to hold the crystals of your choice.
5. Glass Bottle – Preferably a dark-colored bottle to protect the essence from light.
6. Glass Spray Bottle.
7. A funnel.
8. Pliers.
9. Sea Salt or Himalayan Salt (optional).
10. Essential Oils (optional).

How to:

1. Cleanse the Ingredients. Ensure that all the materials you use (bottles, crystals, etc.) are cleansed first. You can do this by rinsing them with water, smudging them with sage, or placing them in sunlight/moonlight.

2. Prepare the Water. Fill the glass bowl with distilled or spring water. Avoid using tap water as it may contain impurities. If you have to use tap water, make sure to include raw Shungite in the crystal mix.

3. Add Crystals. Select the crystals you want to use. Be sure that they are safe to use with water and can be submerged in water.  Place a few cleansed crystal chips or small crystals into the bowl to ensure they are covered with water. These will infuse the water with their recharging properties.

4. Optional. Add a small pinch of sea salt or Himalayan salt if you want an extra cleansing boost.

5. Charge the Water. To enhance the recharging properties of your essence, place the bowl in sunlight for a few hours or under the full moon overnight. This will infuse the water and crystals with powerful natural energies.

6. Remove the Crystals. Remove the crystals with the pliers. Be sure to cleanse them and lay them out to dry.
Using a funnel, pour the water into the dark glass bottle. Fill it one-third.

7. Add a few drops of essential oils. Start with 2-3 drops and adjust based on your preference. Essential oils add both fragrance and additional energetic properties to the essence. You can choose your own preferred oils or use lavender, rosemary, frankincense, or sage as these are all good oils to use known for their cleansing and recharging properties.

8. Add Alcohol. Top up the glass bottle with vodka or white rum, which will act as a preservative.

Now the essence is made and ready to be used.


Store the essence bottle in a cool, dark place to preserve its potency. The bottle can be stored for several months. You can recharge it by placing it in sunlight or moonlight. A good thing to do is to label your essence bottle with the date and ingredients used. This is especially important if you are creating more than one essence.

How to use the spray.

9. Add the essence to a spray bottle. Fill a spray bottle with distilled or spring water and add seven drops of the essence to it. Make sure to also label the spray bottle with a date.

You can use the spray immediately to lightly mist your crystals, by spraying from above. Ensure the crystals being sprayed are in an area where they can air dry, and avoid soaking any crystals that are sensitive to water.

In Closing.

This recharging essence and recharging spray is a versatile tool in your crystal care routine, providing a quick and convenient way to cleanse and recharge your crystals whenever you feel the need to. From the ground essence, you can create a new spay whenever you need it.

Regularly recharging your crystals keeps them energetically vibrant and effective, ensuring they continue to support you in various aspects of your life.

Here’s to keeping your crystals healthy! 🪨💎

The information found in this blog post is for general informational and educational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for a health professional’s advice. If you are struggling with health issues please seek professional help. The use of any information provided in this blog post is solely at your own risk.


Hi, I’m Mette.
Welcome to The Wellness Whisper Blog. My cozy corner of the internet dedicated to Holistic Healing. I invite you to join me on a journey of healing, transformation and personal growth!


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