The Wellness Whisper Blog

What you do today affects your tomorrow.

To be honest, I wasn’t quite ready to think the big philosophical thoughts, the day I stood in my kitchen with my hands deep in a bun of dough and read the above on a bag of organic wheat flour, that was on the table in front of me. But it still struck me how precisely that one sentence sums up life.

What you do today has implications for tomorrow; if you take care of your body, you will enjoy it for many years to come, the joy and generosity you give to others today, you yourself will enjoy in the future in the form of good relationships, friends, family and kindness from others. Whether you expect to get a good exam, score your dream job, or cross the finish line first, everything you do today has an impact on whether you reach your goal tomorrow.

The same goes for your personal well-being, health, and mind. What you do today can directly affect what happens tomorrow. If you spend just a small part of your day every day being there for yourself, doing something good for yourself, you will get it back tenfold tomorrow.

Practicing yoga gives you the opportunity to do something good for your health and mind, which can be directly reflected in your personal well-being. Yoga for me is the perfect thing to do for myself today, I can almost be completely embarrassed to call yoga something I have to do as if it is a task, a job.

Yoga, once you have acquired a daily or weekly yoga habit, is not something you feel you need to do, it is simply something you do. A natural part of your life, like breathing, eating, and sleeping every day. Yoga very quickly becomes that way because you just experienced tomorrow.

I don’t want to be without the living and vibrating body that yoga leaves me with, and I don’t even have to wait until tomorrow. Yoga can be read on my mood, my physical ability, and my posture immediately after practice. It is what I do every day for myself that matters for tomorrow.

But you already know this.

It’s funny because you already know this right? You know that you have to take care of yourself, to take responsibility for your own life, your own health and vitality. So why are you not doing just that?

Journaling, meditating, yoga, practicing breath exercises, mindfulness, and gratitude, all have profound impacts on your tomorrow. You do not need to trust me on this – just try it!

Even small steps add up, and implementing tiny new habits is the foundation for a better you. So why it is so hard to just begin? It like they say, the hardest part of going on a run, is getting out the door!

So you might need support, and guidance at first that okay. Just accept that. Find that support, get the guidance, just DO something.

It physically pains me to see so many people, living a life only half lived. This is something I started noticing even way back as a kid going to school observing my classmates and teachers, and the awareness has only grown with my growing experience, knowledge, and every education and training I’ve taken over the years. To the point where it can literally be considered a work injury, that when I meet people I instantly start making lists in my head of all the stuff that they would benefit from, and how I can help them. I tell you it is exhausting!

So please if not for yourself, then do it for me. Just choose and do something today that will make your tomorrow better, take care of yourself. That way when we next meet. I can relax a little.

You would really be doing me a great favor. Please…

The information found in this blog post is for general informational and educational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for a health professional’s advice. If you are struggling with health issues please seek professional help. The use of any information provided in this blog post is solely at your own risk.


Hi, I’m Mette.
Welcome to The Wellness Whisper Blog. My cozy corner of the internet dedicated to Holistic Healing. I invite you to join me on a journey of healing, transformation and personal growth!


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